
Part1 - 8月

Part2 - 9月
 後半3回はSNSやインターネットを使ってより良い世界を築いていく活動について考えました。インターネットを使って実際に行われたボランティア活動や仕事の変革について、それぞれの学校の先輩が基調講演を行いました。その後グループに分かれて、それぞれの環境の中で有効で、実行可能な活動について提案を発表しあいました。3か月後に生徒たちは再びオンラインで、 実際に行った活動の進捗について共有することになっています。


Taipei Wego Private Senior High School & Keio Shiki Senior High School Joint Online Program

 Keiō students participated in a summer program with students from a private high school in Taipei, Taiwan. Over the course of 2 months, students met online and took part in a few different activities.

Part 1 - August
 The first 3 meetings were focused on the different students' school lives, as well as online education and entertainment and how the two affect students' daily lives. The students heard from 2 keynote speakers and also worked together to make several videos and Powerpoint presentations.

Part 2 - September
 The last 3 meetings were focused on using social media (called SNS in Japan) and the internet in general to positively influence change in the world. Students again listened to 2 keynote speakers and prepared a final presentation. Students had to work together and think of active, doable ways that they could enact change in their local communities. In 3 months, students will meet online one more time to share updates.

 This program was very important for Keiō students to interact with students in Taiwan. They learned about and saw many differences between Taiwanese life and life in Japan. They also saw how Taiwanese students use English to share their ideas and opinions openly. Perhaps best of all, it was a chance for Keiō students to start friendships that may last for many years into the future.